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Privacy Policy

Midnight Run Privacy Policy




This Privacy Policy delineates the protocols Midnight Run adheres to in the collection, handling, and usage of information obtained from users. It provides transparency into our practices to ensure users understand their rights and the extent of data collection associated with our services.


Scope of Data Collection:


  1. Information We Collect:

    • From Third-party Services: We may gather user data via trusted services including, but not limited to, Google Analytics, Firebase, Crashlytics, Photon Unity Network, and Google Play to augment our applications and enhance user experience.

    • User-Provided Information: Personal information may be required when users register or log into our applications, such as name, email address, and phone number. Registration through third-party accounts (e.g., Google, Facebook) may also be necessary.

    • Device Information: We may collect details such as hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, and mobile network information.

    • Log Data: This includes how applications are used, internet protocol addresses, device event logs, browser types, and language settings.

    • Unique Application Numbers and Local Storage: Some services feature unique application numbers and information about installation specifics. We utilize local storage technologies to enhance user experience.

  2. Children’s Privacy: Our applications designed for children do not collect personal data. Full access to these applications is provided without the necessity for account creation.


Use and Disclosure of Information:

The information we collect is instrumental in refining our services and tailoring user experiences. We may share aggregated, non-personal data with partners like publishers and advertisers to display usage trends and improve our offerings.


Limitation of Liability:

Midnight Run is not responsible for any losses or damages arising from the use of our applications or services. Users acknowledge that they assume full responsibility for their use of the applications and any resultant outcomes.


Amendments to This Policy:

We reserve the right to update this Privacy Policy periodically. Any modifications will be effectively communicated through this page. We commit to not reducing users’ rights under this policy without explicit consent.



For further information about our privacy practices, please contact us via email at

This Privacy Policy ensures our commitment to safeguarding user data while providing clarity about our data handling practices.

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